Natural, Liquid Propane (LP) & Medical Gas Services
Natural & Liquid Propane (LP) Gas Services
Masters Plumbing is licensed and insured in the repair, installation and maintenance of steel and flexible stainless steel (CCST) piping systems.
Any piping or buried fuel lines on your property beyond the meter are your responsibility to maintain. City Utilities recommends your gas lines be checked regularly for leaks and corrosion by a qualified technician.

We provide gas services to:
- Water Heaters
- Boilers
- Stoves
- Ovens
- Ranges
- Dryers
- Fireplaces
- Fire Pits
- Gas Lights
- Lines to HVAC Equipment
- Pool Heaters
- and more!
Before assuming your gas system is safe, let our technicians check it out. For more information, contact your local gas fitting experts at (417) 840~3456.
Medical Gas Services
Medical gas is typically defined as Nitrogen, Oxygen, Nitrous Oxide and Medical Air.

Masters Plumbers are certified to install, maintain, design and inspect medical gas lines. We hold certifications in medical welding, NFPA 99 and ASSE Series 6000 from the Medical Gas, Testing & Certification LLC (MGTC).
We provide medical gas services to:
- Dental Clinics
- Veterinary Clinics
- Medical Clinics
- Healthcare Facilities
- Surgical Centers
- and more!